1.1. STFC is the Science & Technology Facilities Council. The STFC through the Central Laser Facility (CLF) operates the EPSRC Laser Loan Pool which provides a variety of state-of-the-art commercial laser systems to UK researchers to use at their home institutions, underpinned by technical and scientific support from the Central Laser Facility1.1.1. Support newly appointed academics before they have acquired their own home-based lasers.1.1.2. Test the feasibility of experiments prior to major grant applications.1.1.3. Augment peer-reviewed and grant funded research which requires a laser or an additional laser for a series of experiments, and1.1.4. Provide laser systems to researchers who have intermittent need.1.2. The lasers within the Loan Pool are employed in a broad range of research applications in chemistry, physics, bioscience, engineering and materials sciences and are installed in academic institutions within the UK for 6 month loan periods. The very nature of the Loan Pool makes it a good advertisement for the lasers and systems within it.1.3. The Loan Pool intends to purchase a new high energy pulsed laser system for the UK science community.The laser systems specifications will mainly appeal to researchers in the engineering and materials science communities but may also be employed by others with high pulse energy requirements.
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CPV Codes
38636100 - Lasers
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors