Reading Bicycle Hire Scheme
The purpose of this Market Engagement exercise is to give potential tenderers advance notice that Reading Borough Council is considering undertaking a tendering exercise to let a contract for the provision, operation and maintenance of a Bicycle Hire Scheme. Our main objectives for bicycle hire in Reading are: • To increase the number of people who cycle regularly according to targets set out in the emerging LTP •To increase the mode share of people cycling in Reading •To complement the existing public transport network and offer affordable alternatives to private car use •To support people in making the switch from private car to cycling •To promote the benefits of cycling, including health and wellbeing, decongestion, air quality, reliable journey times and inclusivity •To complement long-term aspirations for cycle infrastructure improvements set out in emerging Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan •To encourage cycling to/from key destinations, including employment and education centres, transport interchanges and other local facilities. It is anticipated that the tender requirements will be for a suitable provider to enter into a contract to supply, operate and maintain a commercial bicycle hire scheme in Reading without any ongoing revenue support from the Council. The provider will have the flexibility to submit a proposal for a docked or undocked cycle hire scheme and to determine the size and geographical spread of the scheme. The provider will have the flexibility to use fully or partly current existing infrastructure of 29 docking stations and 200 bicycles or to provide his own bicycles or docking stations. We are seeking to see in the proposal whether the provider will use our or their infrastructure. The tender may wish to investigate the feasibility of locating docked or undocked bikes at key destinations within the administrative boundaries of West Berkshire and Wokingham Borough Councils with support from those authorities and other public and private sector organisations within those areas. The Council will look to support the cycle hire scheme with in-kind resources, such as officer time to ensure the scheme is a success. Further to this, the Council will seek to submit funding proposals, in partnership with the cycle hire provider, when funding opportunities arise. Such proposals will aim to deliver the cycling and walking improvements set out in our Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, including new cycle routes, infrastructure improvements and supporting initiatives to encourage more people to consider cycling for local journeys and to help overcome other barriers to cycling.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79342200 - Promotional services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors