Reasonable Adjustments Hybrid Model Pilot
Over the last 6 months, we have been delivering our Reasonable Adjustments service in-house as a pilot, and are now looking for a partner to co-develop and provide elements of a hybrid model. The service provides 1-2-1 support to disabled and neurodivergent innovators to submit their applications to us. The service currently covers: time management, organisation and planning, proofreading, editing, scribing, and note-taking; interpreting the application information and support with numeracy, as well as signposting to assistive technology and programmes. In addition, Innovate UK Business Connect provides access to specialist knowledge transfer managers with deep expertise to advise and support technical aspects. We are seeking to co-develop a hybrid model, where assessment of needs may be covered in-house and the actual support is provided by a supplier. Since reasonable adjustments is an emerging field of practice, sessions will be recorded for training purposes and we are seeking a supplier that can develop and share insights with us. You will also be working closely with Innovate UK's Competitions and Operations teams. The chosen supplier will need to be highly responsive, proactive, and work to tight deadlines. Future Hybrid model This arrangement would run for 6 months from the date we procure a supplier until the end of 2024. Innovate UK Business Connect requires a quote for services including, but not limited to: Up to 6 hours of 1-2-1 applicant support for approximately 50 applicants (applicants may request more than 6 hours, but this will be decided on a case-by-case basis) relating to soft skills: Time management. Organisation and planning. Proofreading. Note-taking/scribing. Interpreting the application information. Support with numeracy. Submission In response to this Statement of Works, please provide the information listed below. Short narrative describing how you would approach the pilot and what reasonable adjustments (based on the soft skills highlighted) service you can provide i.e., your approach, suppliers/partners/associates you may have to collaborate with to deliver etc. Two or more examples of where you have provided reasonable adjustments support previously. Initial schedule of costs. Recognising that this would be subject to change and within the constraints of the overall budget, suppliers are asked to submit a timeline of estimated costs for the duration of the pilot. A completed copy of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. Additional Information. Innovate UK Business Connect invite suppliers to provide any additional information in the form of video content, imagery, or links, which provide supporting evidence that suppliers recognise and work in accordance with Innovate UK Business Connects values as an organisation. Suppliers might include evidence of social aims and social responsibility and diversity and inclusion policy and practices.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors