
Recruit and facilitate focus groups to inform the development of NICE guidance on Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education


NICE issued an invitation to tender document to "Contracts Finder" on the 13th March 2020. This tender related to a contract to "Recruit and facilitate focus groups to inform the development of NICE guidance on Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education". However, on 18th March 2020, the UK government closed all schools to students (except for vulnerable children and young people [CYP] and CYP whose parents were key workers) due to the coronavirus pandemic. NICE withdrew the notice on the 20th March 2020. Currently, some schools in England have reopened to students in very limited year groups and are operating under strict social distancing regimes. It is not clear how schools will operate from September and therefore, it is unclear to NICE, if any potential suppliers would be able to engage with CYP under the present situation. Therefore, the objectives of the pre-engagement meeting is to understand whether conducting focus groups with CYP is feasible in the current environment and if so, when and how this may be possible. What NICE hopes to achieve from a discussion with potential suppliers Clarity from potential suppliers on the feasibility of the contracted work under the current circumstances; specifically: •Conducting the focus group work •A reasonable timeframe •Effective engagement with target groups Interested suppliers capable of delivering these focus groups are invited to attend a collective Zoom meeting to discuss the issues that may affect the suppliers ability to deliver such focus groups and NICE's ability to produce and publish this guidance. For further information see the documents attached to this notice. The date for the zoom meeting will be the 17th July 2020, it is expected this will be a 3-hour meeting in the morning, however times will be confirmed closer to the date. Please note the expected times may change. All suppliers who wish to book a place at the pre-engagement meeting must email no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 14th July 2020. You must include in your email: •Names and email addresses of your full attendees list •Name and nature of your company NICE will send the Zoom registration invites to all interested parties no later than 5pm (GMT) on the Wednesday 15th July 2020, with instructions of how to access the Zoom meeting. Suppliers must note that NICE will record this Zoom meeting. All parties (individuals) who register to take part will be informed of the information governance around the use of the data in the recorded Zoom meeting, prior to the meeting taking place.


Published Date :

3rd Jul 2020 4 years ago

Deadline :

14th Jul 2020 4 years ago

Contract Start :


Contract End :


Tender Regions


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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors