Red Ensign Group - Marine Surveyor Training Videos
This requirement will enable the production of a series of short files for the training of marine surveyors in Red Ensign Group. This will include the travel, filming, editing, rendering and close-captioning of the footage to be provided in a Vimeo and You-tube ready format. Videos to be completed consist of: Steel Vessels Wooden Vessels Machinery Inspections Electrical Inspections Steering Gear Vessel Systems Service Inspections Specialist areas further to the above as identified The UK Government, through the Conflict, Stability and Security Fund (CSSF) is delivering a number of activities to uplift capacity and capability within the Overseas Territories to raise the level of compliance across flag, port and coastal state requirements. The conduct of marine surveyor training, in particular within the smaller Category 2 registers, develops critical Port State Controls and continues ongoing work within the programme in upskilling Overseas Territory personnel. Videographic content produced provides a valuable learning opportunity and platform on island training is not practical nor cost efficient. A permeant online resource that can be accessed remotely as often and whenever is required does provide value for money. It also presents an opportunity to provide a possible revenue stream if utilised by other developing States outside of the Red Ensign Group. Amendment to notice reflects the extension to the contract up to 31st of March 2024.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors