Reducing single use plastics
Microbiology laboratories have become heavily dependent on single use plastic items over the past five to ten years due to change in work practices, materials available and Health and Safety requirements.With Health Boards and Trusts developing Decarbonisation Action Plans to reduce emissions, one of the biggest challenges will be identifying opportunities to switch some of the items used in the laboratories for more sustainable products.Funding is sought to undertake a research project with external consultants to review the single use plastic, high waste items and personal protective equipment (PPE) used in the laboratories and research suitable sustainable alternatives, and calculate the emissions and cost savings and impacts of the materials.The project will drive implementation to support delivery of actions identified within PHW’s Decarbonisation Action Plan, reducing emissions in the Microbiology Laboratories and identifying where emissions cannot be reduced to help inform targets and actions when developing future decarbonisation plans.The project will support engagement and behaviour change activity to help embed the climate change agenda within the organisation, supporting the Microbiology service area to be able to participate in this agenda, while also meeting Health & Safety requirements etc.The project is innovative and will provide a best practice case study to support reduction of emissions and single use items in Health Boards and Trusts (Laboratories) across NHS Wales.The project will support Public Health Wales’ commitment to reduce/ remove single use plastic items by 2023.£25,000Funding will be used to cover the cost of an external contractor to undertake a research project and provide an evaluation report and case study.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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73210000 - Research consultancy services
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1 Possible Competitors