REF: AEMRI-285-H2LB - Building Modifications to support a new Hydrogen Laboratory
TWI is one of the world’s foremost independent research and technology organisations, with expertise in solving problems in all aspects of manufacturing, fabrication and whole-life integrity management technologies.Established in Cambridge, UK in 1946 and with facilities across the globe, the company has a first class reputation for service through its teams of internationally respected consultants, scientists, engineers and support staff, whose knowledge and expertise is available to its Industrial Members as and when they require.TWI Wales was opened in 2013 as a purpose-built facility leased to TWI for research and development activities in materials testing. TWI UK bought the facility and surrounding land in early 2022. TWI now seek to invest further into this facility to capture a market need for testing materials in a Hydrogen environment in order to progress research in the future Hydrogen Energy economy.The purpose of this tender is to appoint a main contractor to complete modifications to the existing building internally to facilitate this new hydrogen testing laboratory within the existing shell. The main contractor will also be responsible for completion of an external gas storage compound, and supporting M&E requirements, such as extraction flues and power to new plant.The project will be part-funded by Welsh Government and has a completion date of end of June 2023 dictated by that funding.A Full Planning Application will be submitted to the NPTCBC in relation to the proposed Flue Ventilaiton Extract, in addition to a Non-Material Amendment relating to the proposed external store.The estimated contract value is £650,000 (Excluding VAT)The proposed Form on Contract for these works will be the JCT Intermediate Building Contract with Contractors Design Portion 2016 or the JCT Design and Building Contract 2016.Please ensure all communication is made using the Intend correspondence facility.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45262700 - Building alteration work
63121110 - Gas storage services
51100000 - Installation services of electrical and mechanical equipment
45214610 - Laboratory building construction work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors