Refresh - Community Short Breaks for Children with Disabilities in South Warwickshire
Warwickshire County Council is seeking tenders for their Community Short Breaks for Children with Disabilities in South Warwickshire. The services will operate under a framework agreement. The provision of short breaks is a statutory requirement that requires local authorities to provide access to services that are designed to assist individuals who provide care for children with disabilities to continue to do so, or to do so more effectively, by giving them breaks from caring. The local authority must offer short breaks as part of a preventative model in keeping families together, preventing family breakdown and preventing Children and Young People with disabilities becoming children looked after.The service is required for Children and Young People with a disability who are eligible for social care support where the assessment of need has identified an individual and theirfamily/carer would benefit from access to short break services.The overall aim of the framework is to facilitate the delivery of a range of short break services for eligible customers with a disability. It is anticipated that having clearly identifiable lotswill lead to increased choice and meeting need at times when families need it most, this in turn will lead to timely access to short breaks opportunities for children and their families.Short breaks will focus on personal and community assets to support customer choice, control, and increased independence. Parent/Carers will benefit by receiving respite that willenable them to focus on their own health, well-being and daily living needs.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors