Refreshing the National framework for water resources - Assessment of WRM
This is a national project covering all of England. The National Framework for Water Resources (March 2020) (NF1) estimated deficits of 3,435 megalitres per day by 2050 for public water supply alone under future pressures of climate change, population growth and environmental needs. Preparations and assessments are currently under way to update the findings and assessments from NF1 with new data, new climate change data and updated information with aims to publish an updated National Framework (NF2) in 2025. Since its publication, water companies and regional groups have published draft Water Resource Management Plans (WRMPs) and Regional Plans. These plans include commitments to achieving sustainable abstraction under the Water Framework Directive and Habitats Regulations, reducing water demand, optimising existing abstraction sources, developing new sources and delivering regional strategic resource option (SRO) supply schemes. NF2 will have a focus on multi-sector planning and this project is a key building block that will examine the impact of the above commitments on addressing shortfalls in water supply, achieving current environmental objectives and maintaining long-term environmental protection using updated projections for climate change and growth.
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