Refurbishment of the Sensory Room at Parklands Short Breaks Children's Home, Medway.
Refurbishment of the Sensory Room at Parklands Short Breaks Children's Home, Medway. Description: Parklands Short Breaks needs to refurbish the sensory room which is 22 years old and the equipment currently in situ is no longer serviceable should the equipment fail, leaving the children and young people with a sensory room which is non-functioning. A sensory room is a specially designed room which combines a range of stimuli to help individuals develop and engage their senses. These can include lights, colours, sounds, sensory soft play resources, all used within a safe environment that allows the person using it to explore and interact without risk. There are many benefits of a sensory room for those who have learning difficulties, developmental disabilities, or sensory processing impairments, helping them learn to interact with the world around them in a safe environment that builds up their confidence and their ability. The aim of the sensory room is to encourage the children and young people to explore the environment and learn through play. The Sensory room has been designed by specialists so that the needs of the children and young people can be met.
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CPV Codes
45214230 - Special school construction work
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1 Possible Competitors