Reintroduction of Beavers (Burbage Valley)
Sheffield City Council and partner organisations are keen to understand the potential benefits, particularly with respect to natural flood management, which could be gained from the reintroduction of Castor Fiber. We also understand the wide range of additional benefits that will accrue from reintroduction of beavers. Sheffield City Council are looking for a proposal that provides details on how a feasibility study could assess the potential of surface waters to act as Beaver release sites. We are also keen to understand how existing habitat structure can be mapped to understand necessary trajectories of habitat improvement in support of beaver release. We would like detail on how practical concerns related to the creation of fenced enclosures, the sourcing, handling, health and welfare of beavers might be considered and any costs that might be incurred under different scenarios of beaver release or creation of suitable habitat. The proposal must also detail how information might be brought together in support of a licence application to Natural England to release Beavers into the suggested landscape(s).
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors