Renewable energy test barge refit and refurbishment
WAVE-TRICITY (W-T): Renewable energy test barge refit and refurbishmentContract background:A. The refurbishment and fit out of a 1940’s concrete water barge, that is partly converted as a house boat, for use as a trials platform.B.Currently the original barge has had a wheelhouse, 2 access doors, 2 skylights, 2 stairways and approx. 18 glass bricks/panels fitted on the upper deck. The majority of the internal fittings have been removed although the wooden decks, some inbuilt furniture and some small water tanks remain. The main access positions have been highlighted on the original plan in additional documentation.C.The trials platform will be used to mount the power generating equipment associated with wave energy convertor point absorbers.D.An additional work stream will involve design support for the design of the full sized platform which will be manufactured on completion of the initial 2 year trails period.E.This is a collaborative contract working with Wave-Tricity that will develop further as the trials progress. Numerous organisations will be involved in the design and testing of this innovative technology throughout the project which is part funded by the ERDF programme for West Wales and the Valleys through the Welsh European Funding Office.F.Wave-Tricity office will be based in Pembroke Dock and as it will require close cooperation between parties the work should be carried out within the Pembroke area.G. Ready for sea date is 28 Feb 2017. All refit work is to be completed by 10 Feb 2017 to allow sailing preparations to be carried out.The work package will include but not be limited to:1)Remove barge from water.2)Remove all remaining fittings from all internal compartments. Clean internalexternal and carry out detailed survey and report. (Note: It is estimated that a small quantity of asbestos is fitted in the barge up to a maximum of 100kg).3)Draft marks to be applied on each quarter so as to be easily visible from 50M.4)Construct 3 main compartments within the current 3 water tank sections. All compartments are to be naturally vented with a combined vent outlet on the aft side of the wheel house.5)Supply and fit suitable shallow ballast tanks that fit between deck beams below false decks. Tanks to have filling/suction connections routed to the upper deck and allow ballasting of the barge as required using a portable pump.6)Supply and fit a water tight access door between each of the 5 compartments on board. These openings are to be sized so that a standard off the shelf door can be fitted. They should be operable from both directions.7)The following upper deck fittings are to be removed and the deck made good.(1)Main winch(2)Aft Davit(3)Fwd concrete chimney base(4)Aft Concrete chimney and base8)The staircase into the main compartment below the wheel house is to be replaced with non-slip stairs of the most cost effective construction.9)All upper deck openings that are not required for operations are to be sealed such that they will remain water tight throughout the 2year trial period at sea.10)Hatches/doors into the fwd and aft work spaces are to be made watertight and operable from both directions. This can be achieved by replacement or modification of the existing door/hatch, whichever is the most cost effective.11)All glass panel inserts (approx. 18) in the deck are to be removed and the deck repaired in way of the openings.12)All railings are to be removed and deck repaired.13)Supply and fit new railings from the fwd bulkhead of the wheel house to the stern on both port and stbd sides. A gated opening is to be fitted on the port and stbd side next to the wheel house to allow embarkation. Gates are also to be fitted between the railings and the wheel house to prevent upper deck access fwd.14)Access to the main compartment fwd of the wheelhouse is to be removed and the deck repaired.15)All skylights on the upper deck are to be removed and the deck repaired.16)A work bench with vice is to be manufactured and fitted in the aft work space (stern most compartment).17)All windows to be removed from the wheel house and two marine standard windows each on the port and stbd side are to be fitted to allow operation at sea. The remainder of the openings should be blanked and made water tight.18)All bollards to be surveyed and refurbished or replaced as required to allow barge to be berthed alongside.19)Supply and fit suitable bollards in way of the openings in the railings to allow the work boat to be secured when transferring passengers.20)The anchoring arrangement as designed is to be fitted.21)The fwd Davit is to be overhauled, tested and certified.22)Supply and fit a toilet facility fitted in a separate compartment within the aft main compartment. The system should be a storage only system with the capability of discharging ashore. Discharge overboard should also be available in emergency.23)Manufacture and fit within the aft main compartment fixed seating arrangements for up to 10 personnel, a table for use by the seating arrangement, 4 emergency berths, a galley area, work surface, cupboards and a sink. The sink should have a drain tank which can be emptied alongside.24)A 100L fresh water tank is to be fitted for sink and toilet supply and also an overboard overflow facility. A supply line to be fitted from Reverse Osmosis plant.25)The doors on the wheel house (x 2) are the be with suitable watertight alternatives.26)A small (max 30kW) diesel generator is to be fitted inside at the back of the wheel house with air inlet and exhaust that can be isolated.27)Design manufacture and fit a watertight steel compartment on the upper deck to enclose all generating equipment with a profiled front. Maximum height of 2m extending to just aft of the for’d most hatch. Access door to be fitted between wheel house and new compartment.28)This new compartment should have 4 openings on each side to allow the oars to be connected with a watertight sealing arrangement around the oar shaft. Blanks to be manufactured and fitted when openings not in use.29)Removal routes for generators are to be fitted in the new compartment. Lifting beam to run midships on deck head of generator compartment. Generator dimensions tbc.30) Mounting arrangements are to be fitted within the compt to allow up to 4 generators to be fitted on each side.31)4 x Oar pivot support structures are to be fitted on each side (to be advised by W-T).32)The 2 fwd main compartments should have mounting arrangements for the electrical distribution and conversion equipment. Details of equipment is yet to be specified.33)Cabling supports to be fitted as design dictates.34)Provide detailed drawings of design.35)Manufacture and fit masts x 2 one for anchor light mounting and one for shapes hoisting.36)Safety harness attachment points to be manufactured and fitted on outboard sides of generator compt for work associated with oars.37)Safety rails for harness attachment to be manufactured and fitted on port/stbd side on top of generator compartment38)All exposed deck to be coated in non-slip coating.39)Provide full MCA certification (as required).40)Fwd work space to be fitted out with storage for berthing ropes and husbandry items.41)Fit mountings for RO plant (specification to be provided by WT).42)Naval architect support for load, stability and structural calculations. To produce operating limitations document, vessel stability book and inclining data book.43)Produce operating procedures to include:a.Fire safety planb.Evacuation Routesc.Muster pointsd.Boarding/disembarking limitations and procedures.e.Abandoning ship procedures.f.Fast/slow flooding proceduresg.Man overboard.h.Navigation, Signalling, navigation and mooring lights required and operating procedures.i.Collison proceduresj.Casualty procedures.k.Communication requirements.l.Barge operating procedures.44)A sea bed mooring system is to be designed and manufactured to moor test barge.45)Install power generation and conditioning equipment as supplied by W-T (Maximum of 8 x generators and associated power systems).46)Supply and fit all required safety equipment and mountings as dictated by SOLASW-T.47)Install mounts and power supplies for RO plant. (specification tbc).48)Install sea suction system and discharge pipework (to tank) for RO plant to include certified hull valve and check valve.49)Paint vessel.50)Produce full test procedures for all new equipment installed/designed.51)Supply and fit fire detection/alarm system for all compartments.52)Supply and fit fire extinguishing system for all main compartments.53)Design, supply and fit emergency anchor arrangement.54)Supply 2 x portable embarkation ladders. Supply and fit ladder fixing points.55)Provide engineering support for the fitting of 8 x oars and floats.The electrical outfit should comprise of:56)Manufacture and fit mounting arrangements for up to 8 generators with integral rectifiers outputting DC (details tbc).57)Supply and fit suitable battery storage system to provide output of up to 30 kilowatt-hours.58)Invertor to produce domestic AC supply from battery output.59)Fan/resistor bank or another load to dissipate up to a maximum of 80 Kw.60)Design, supply and fit power distribution system.61)Design, supply and fit cabling system for domestic distribution, vessel monitoring system and generation output and battery system.62)Supply and fit a full suite of appropriate navigation lights with integrated battery and solar charging.63)Bilge level sensors and alarms system.64)Upper deck and compt CCTV cameras (2 in each main compt, 2 fwd and 2 aft weathertight on the upper deck monitoring oar movement).65)Heater in each compartment to be fed from domestic supply.66)Install all sensor and control cabling as directed by W-T.67)Emergency anchor release mechanism.68)Lighting should be fitted in all compartments.69)Floodlights to be fitted to illuminate upper deck.70)Supply and fit domestic power sockets x 6 in each main compt, 2 in work spaces and wheel house.71)Supply and fit appropriate safety signage to be fitted throughout especially danger high voltage signs to be fitted on upper deck.72)Temperature/status sensors on each generator (integrated), rectifiers, batteries and invertor.73)Supply and fit generator output sensing.74)Supply and fit all round wave monitoring system.75)Supply and fit central monitoring system that can be accessed remotely from shore. To include status of the following:(a)Fire detection system(b)Bilge alarms(c)Generator outputs(d)Temperature of all electrical equipment(e)Wave monitoring(f)CCTV pictures(g)Remote release of emergency anchor(h)Fire suppression system76)Supply and fit 2 alternative marine communication systems to allow shore side communication.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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50244000 - Reconditioning services of ships or boats
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