Repair and Replacement of Windows - Former St Matthew's Church, Hull
Project outline The St. Matthew's Enterprise Project is a Community Led Local Development project, funded in part from the European Regional Development Fund. CLLD activity is funded through European Structural and Investment Funds. Giroscope Limited acquired the freehold of the former St Matthew's Church in 2018. Since then we have cleared the building, removed the pews and made emergency repairs where necessary. We have also reinstated the War Memorial window situated at the western end of the building, one of its key heritage features. We are looking for a company to refurbish and repair a series of leaded and stained glass windows in the church to allow for further construction work to take place. This will involve working on ground floor windows and windows at height. General Project Overview The proposed works will involve installing mezzanine levels to both the southern and northern aisles of the former church. These mezzanines will have rooms constructed upon them with space for a gallery/walkway facing the nave. A small narthex will be constructed at the western entrance, situated underneath a walkway connecting the two mezzanines. This will double as a viewing area for the War Memorial window. The roofs of each aisle will be replaced with an insulated warm roofs allowing for roof lights to be installed. Stair and lift access will also be installed to the mezzanines. Below the mezzanines a toilet and kitchen area will be constructed. We will remove the organ at the NE corner of the church allowing access from the mezzanine to the tower and chancel. We will install a new heating system in the building incorporating underfloor heating to the nave. Other plumbing and electrical works will be carried out where necessary and appropriate. Other repairs and renewals will be made to the fabric of the building as part of this project. Planning Reference: 20/00935/FULL | Change of use from church (Grade II Listed) to mixed use community facility, including cafe, business/workshop space, meeting and teaching rooms, event space, education zone, community market. External alterations including the installation of conservation style roof lights to north and south side aisle roofs, installation of on-roof solar photovoltaic panels to main south facing roof, the dropping of a window sill to ground level in the east elevation of the tower to create a fire escape door, and creation of external ramps. | Former St Matthews Church Boulevard Kingston Upon Hull HU3 2TD. *Planning approval and Listed Building consent now achieved subject to Conditions.
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CPV Codes
45441000 - Glazing work
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors