Repair works to chapel building, Crowlas Cemetery, near Penzance, Cornwall
Full details at: Preparation phase 1. Construction of buried stormwater drainage soakaway. To bring run-off water from the roof away from the building, by a gulley at each side of the parking area. 100mm underground sewerage pipe. 2. Construction of parking area. To incorporate the soakaway and a turning area. To be surfaced with compacted 803 aggregate and a surface dressing of gravel. Main phase works: External structure - first window, northern side, keystone to be re-fixed and crack repaired - repointing, all external walls, existing to be replaced with natural hydraulic mortar (1 part NHL3.5 lime to 3 parts graded sand). No cement. All pointing to leave new mortar flush with adjoining. Chapel roof - replace rotten purlins with new - potentially other rotten timber to be replaced - replace tongue and groove ceiling cladding with new - replace any tiles removed and damaged with tiles to match existing Lean-to building - to be repointed and replace broken roof sheet - wooden door to be repaired/replaced - gutters and downpipes - failing fixings to be replaced - Doors and windows - repairs to sections of rotten timber in door and window frames. Missing sections of timber to be replaced. - Windows - re-glaze those without glazing Internal walls - the existing lime plaster to be removed and replaced with new lime plaster. Internal floor - replace concrete slab inside entrance.
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50000000 - Repair and maintenance services
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