Replacement LED lighting at Sir William Robertson Academy
Aspire Schools Trust is seeking tenders for procurement and installation of new LED lighting at Sir William Robertson Academy in Welbourn, Lincolnshire. This work is anticipated to be part-funded by a grant from the Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire project, supported by the European Regional Development fund. The Trust is looking for LED lighting fittings which: •reduce the school's energy usage and associated costs; and subsequently •enable the school to improve its carbon footprint and divert savings from utility costs into curriculum areas Tenders must allow for removal of existing fittings/lights (including responsible disposal) and installation of new energy efficient fittings (with any associated equipment). The winning tender will be the Most Economically Advantageous, based on a scoring of quality and price against the criteria listed below: •Quality of project management proposal (including company history & experience relevant to LED replacement projects; demonstration of capacity to deliver on time; adherence to appropriate health & safety standards) [40%] •Pricing of light fittings and the associated product in the specification [30%] •kWh per year of electricity savings offered to the school [30%] The order in which the criteria are listed above does not imply relative importance.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors