Replacement of Cardiology Management System, Ambulatory Care System, ECG Patient Reporting System.
University Hospital's Bristol NHS Foundation Trust needs to replace three end of life systems currently in use at the Bristol Heart Institute. The preferred system would be a modular fully integrated system from a single supplier. However systems from a single suppliers or a combination of separate systems from a number of suppliers that work alongside each other and integrate with the trusts patient administration and other associated clinical systems will be considered.Lot 1: Cardiology Management System.The system must have the following features:Fully capture all patient data within system templates that cover all aspects of Cardiology care from pre-assessment, catheter lab intervention and outpatient settings. This needs to take place both in the labs and across all clinical and non-clinical settings at the BHI and other associated hospital sites. The system should also be able to handle all image formats and have interoperability with the current echo cardiology systems in use. Be fully able to schedule and manage patient flow for elective and non-elective patients across all labs. To contain a fully integrated material management module for consumables and devices used in the catheter labs. Have full IT compatibility with all core IT systems in use at the Bristol Heart Institute and across the trust, including the trusts PAS (System C's Medway) and PACS (Insignia) systems, or the ability to do so. To be compatible with the critical care information systems to improve patient flow and care. Full reporting of all data collected by the system and be compliant with all national audit data requirements. See associated UH Bristol HL7 specifications which are provided.To have the ability to be scalable as needed by the division as the service develops or changes.Lot 2: ECG Patient Management System.The system must have the following features:To collect and store all 12 lead ECGs across the division and trust using the existing wireless network infrastructure, which runs at a 54 Mbps shared bandwidth. To allow all ECGs to be viewed on any trust PC over a web browser either within the trusts domain or remotely via an RDP connection. To allow in-depth analysis of ECGs when needed.Have full IT compatibility with the Trust's core EPR/PAS (System C's Medway) or the ability to do so.See associated UH Bristol HL7 specifications which are provided.Lot 3: Ambulatory Monitoring System.The system must have the following features:To install Ambulatory care workstations with full network and system integration, to be fully compatible with existing monitors. To provide and accept bookings via the trust PAS and update outcomes into all trust systems as appropriate. This will be via Medway service orders.Have full IT compatibility with the Trust's core EPR/PAS (System C's Medway) or the ability to do so.See associated UH Bristol HL7 specifications which are provided.All of the above need to be scalable and future proofed.
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CPV Codes
48000000 - Software package and information systems
48100000 - Industry specific software package
48180000 - Medical software package
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1 Possible Competitors