Replacement of spinning frame drives
Objective of the proposed project (Please explain what is required in the project) (max 250 words)Replacement of exiting fixed speed ABB motor drive with 45kW AC 4 pole Motor and energy saving vector inverter (Variable Speed Drive). The motor is to be installed at the same location as the current unit and will involve the replacement of the current control system. Tenders are Invited from suppliers who can provide the necessary skills and expertise to deliver the specification Suppliers will be bidding for a project that is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Growth Programme 2014-2020.Scope of works required as below: •Replace the existing main ABB motor drive with a 45kW AC 4 pole Motor and energy saving vector Inverter •The motor to be mounted in the existing position with new motor rails, new bush to existing drive pulley and guards adjusted to suit to maintain their integrity •Speed selection from touch screen and clear display of frame main shaft speed. Current control system needs to be updated to allow speed selection to be made •Control of existing False Twist motor is required from the main control panel. •Encoder mounted on Ring rail for speed control relative to position •Controls supplied in control cabinet, floor mounted •Control panel air conditioning unit •Air pressure switch will activate in the event of a drop or loss of air pressure and the frame stop circuit will be activated. •Record of running times, as per the other frames •Emergency stop relay and circuit in accordance with BS EN 60204, e/stop button on main panel and one remote e/stop station on the spinning frame at Pneumafil end. •Pneumafil only start button at the Pneumafil end and on the main panel. •Emergency stop reset button located on main panel. •Manual doff button mounted on main panel •PLC for input/output control •Power on lamp •Panel Isolator •Built to BS EN 11111, BS EN 60204, Machinery Safety Directive and the EMC Directive
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CPV Codes
42710000 - Machinery for textiles
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors