Replacement of Weymouth Harbour Visitor Pontoons: A1-B8 and C1-C4
The existing pontoon sections installation occurred between 1993 and 2006, meaning that some of the sections are 30 years old. This project is a planned replacement of the infrastructure which is required to ensure business continuity of the Harbour with regard to accommodating visiting recreational and commercial vessels in line with the Open Port Duty: Statutory Harbour Authorities are under a common law duty to conserve and facilitate the safe use of the port. This includes a duty to ensure that those who may choose to navigate the port, may do so, without danger to their lives or property. Nearly all municipal ports are also subject to the 'Open Port Duty' to keep the harbour open, upon payment of rates, for the shipping and unshipping of goods and the embarking and landing of passengers. The initial particular requirements are as follows: • Fit for purpose pontoons that can withstand adverse conditions and up to 1m swells Requirement for pontoons to remain in position for 12 months of the year (currently 8 months). • Increased strength to accommodate vessels above 80t. • Improved stability of the pontoons to accommodate cruise ship tenders allowing up to 70 passengers access to a tender. • Assess/inspect existing gangways and their point of debarkation to pontoons as part of site survey/tender quote. • Pontoons to include new fixtures/fittings (electric with meters/lighting/cleats/safety ladders) and position/insulate all pontoon water supplies to comply with ISPG IBP document for Category 5 connections.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45241000 - Harbour construction works
45244000 - Marine construction works
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors