Replacement window frames and glass replacement with new shutters to Pavilion
Edenbridge Town Council is proposing to select one contractor and issue a single works order for the supply and installation for the replacement windows and frames, and new electric shutters at the Pavilion, Recreation Ground, Edenbridge. The structure of the building is brick with metal profile sheet roof. The current metal crittall windows and doors are double glazed. The window and door frames all need replacing, and to be glazed to meet current glazing insulation requirements (minimum double glazed glass) with toughened glass to windows and doors . As well as improving the insulation, due to an increase in vandalism, we are looking to provide shutters to the windows and main entrance side glassed area to improve security. There are: 4 x three panel windows with two openers on each; 2 x two panel windows with single openers; 2 x double doors; the main entrance door has three glass panels to the side of varying sizes. The design (selection of frames, glass and shutters) should consider the Pavilion is a community building (not occupied daily) used mainly for winter sports and private functions. Security to the building is paramount and the site will need to be made secure throughout the works, and maintain weather proofing. The project is hoped to be completed in 2023. The installation dates quoted in this notice are a guide as to when it would be expected to star and complete the project. Access to the Pavilion is good with parking next to it. Each tendering firm will be supplied with a specifically marked envelope in which the tender is to be sealed, and will remain sealed until 12 noon the day after the closing date (or other date that is selected to open all tenders received). Electronic submissions will not be accepted as all tenders received will be opened on the same date. Enquires can be made via email: or telephone: 01732 865368. A site visit is strongly recommended, for accurate measurements. Edenbridge Town Council is proposing to select one contractor to supply and install, and issue a single works order.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors