Report required to obtain new Certificate of Immunity from Listing (COIL) on Museum of London/Bastion House site for planning purposes
The current Certificate of Immunity from Listing (COI) on the Museum of London and Bastion House is due to expire in August 2024. Consultants have advised that it is very likely that an application for a new COI would be approved by Historic England and the Secretary of State and if this was requested in 2023 a new COI could be provided in 2024, lasting five years up to 2029. A new COI would protect the Corporation from the risk of Bastion House and the Museum from listing which would provide the freedom for a refurbishment scheme to be designed that retains the existing buildings in some way or a new redevelopment scheme. In order to obtain a renewed CoI for each building, a report needs to be submitted to Historic England and the DCMS which explains why the building falls short of the statutory requirements for listing, including an analysis of the building against Historic England's relevant listing guide and relevant contemporary examples of similar buildings and/ or by the same architects, and a discussion of known new arguments in favour of listing. Donald Insall Associates would act as agents and liaise with Historic England, and, if necessary, the City, DCMS and the C20 Society throughout the process. This would involve - A joint site visit with the HE Listing Inspector - Liaison with HE/ DCMS/ C20 Society - Response to the HE draft reports - Liaison with the client team
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1 Possible Competitors