Request for Information (RFI) - Electronic Personal Dosimeters
The Personal Dosimetry Service (PDS) of UKHSA Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Directorate provides measurement and recording of doses to radiation workers. The clients of this commercial service are radiation employers in a variety of sectors (from medical to dental and general industry). Measurements are made by means of personal dosemeters or "badges" that are worn by the employee for a period before being returned to UKHSA for processing and reporting. PDS runs several Health and Safety Executive (HSE) approved services, the main being the thermoluminescent type dosemeter. PDS also supplies dosimetry for more specialist radiation types of neutron and radon for government and private sector customers. All current dosimetry provided by PDS is passive which has led to an increase in customer enquiries regarding Electronic Personal Dosemeters (EPDs) which are live. PDS would like to start offering EPDs as part of the service alongside the current TLD badges, with the view to get the EPD approved by HSE and accredited by ISO17025. PDS is planning to supply EPDs to chosen customers to start with, the initial order is likely to be around 200 EPDs and going forward this will continuously increase year on year as more customers are changed over to this method of dosimetry. The purpose of this RFI is to improve the Authority's understanding of the marketplace and its options for sourcing for a potential future requirement. The issuance of this RFI does not constitute a sourcing exercise nor will the Authority pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this RFI. Should you wish to respond to this Request for Information, please complete the response questionnaire which is found at the following link:
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
38341600 - Radiation monitors
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors