Request for Information (RFI) Foundational Specification on Case Management Systems
Request for Information (RFI) Case management systems are digital records that are used to record all details relating to a person’s care. As such case management systems are a key tool for local authorities to deliver support and a key piece of infrastructure for the wider digital transformation of adult social care.The Department of Health and Social Care has spoken to a wide range of local authorities and IT suppliers about challenges and opportunities in relation to these systems, including that systems are not performing as expected, local authorities are finding procurement excessively difficult, and suppliers are facing major cost pressures. The Department has decided to explore the case management system market in more detail with a view to providing greater support. This is to enable the market to sustainably innovate and produce efficient and effective case management systems that best serve the needs of people drawing on care and support. The core element of our work on case management systems to date has been the development of a Foundational Specification (further detail in annex). The Foundational Specification is technical guidance setting out what case management systems ‘must, could, and should do’ to enable local authorities to procure and manage them more efficiently and for suppliers to effectively prioritise future development. ‘Part 1’ of the Specification focused on continuous improvement. It has been developed and well received by both local authorities and suppliers during initial consultation, and includes the following chapters: •ASC Core Record – a core data set for consistently and accurately recording a person’s key information•Interoperability – the ability for CMSs to connect to external health and social care information systems•Self-service and Portals – options for supporting greater choice and control when accessing social care•Data, Analytics and Reporting – how data can be managed and used to support operational, performance and strategic activities•Non-functional requirements – attributes that determine how well an application should perform, meet quality standards, and service and user expectations as they relate to ‘Continuous Improvement’Following on from this positive reception and in response to the request for greater clarity from the market, the Department is exploring the possibility of producing a ‘Part 2’. ‘Part 2’ of the Specification would focus on procurement, and include the following chapters: •Case Recording – core functionality for recording key elements of care and the system workflows that direct and guide actions•Finance – capability of CMSs to accurately and effectively assess and monitor financial requirements and limits for people receiving care•Commissioning – ability of the system to link to and commission care from care providers•Non-functional requirements – attributes that determine how well an application should perform, meet quality standards, and service and user expectations as they relate to ‘Procurement’
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85100000 - Health services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors