Request for Information (RFI) Immersive Technologies to Engage with Network Rail's Digital Assets
Request for Information (RFI) Network Rail (NR) and the Connected Places Catapult are publishing this notice to explore the state of the market in relation to the business challenge described below. The purpose of this notice is to provide potential suppliers with an overview of the challenge and seek responses that explain the capabilities of products and solutions available in the marketplace, or near-market prototypes. A variety of potential solutions are sought to this challenge, and there is no presumption that respondents will have previous experience operating in a rail environment. This request for information is purely for the purposes of creating a clear understanding of possible solutions, their capabilities and technical readiness. This information will be used to inform future development opportunities. The challenge outlined in this request for information is complex, and it is not necessarily expected that a single company will possess the full suite of tools, software or capabilities to deliver a complete system. Therefore, if your company/product can deliver a part of the solution, NR are interested to know about your capabilities. Please register if not already registered, then "Express an Interest" for this project at link: which will then allow you to download the Response template. The project title is: Immersive Technologies to Engage with Network Rail's Digital Assets (Request for Information (RFI) Immersive Technologies to Engage with Network Rail's Digital Assets). Once the template is completed, please upload to the same link: Additional materials are welcome, such as product specification documents, related research papers, or information on trials/deployments. Details provided will be shared with relevant Network Rail stakeholders for the purposes of evaluating against their needs and defining the scope of any further work. Closing date: 12pm, 6th July 2020
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors