Request for Information (RFI) Removal and Prevention of Graffiti on the Strategic Road Network
Graffiti is a recurring problem across the Strategic Road Network (SRN) that often reappears within weeks of removal. People are determined to graffiti; they will put themselves in physical danger over 'live' operating motorways for example. Highways England has experimented with intentionally planting spiky bushes in key entry points to prevent access to motorway structures, but these are quickly removed or trampled by graffiti 'artists' to gain access. Little work has been done to understand graffiti 'artists' or their motivations in the same way as it has been done to understand litterers on the network. In terms of preventing graffiti, behavioural change may play as big a part as advanced anti-graffiti chemical agents. In this challenge we are interested in learning about any potential innovative solutions that could either directly (e.g. smart materials, paints, access control etc.) or indirectly (e.g. behavioural interventions) prevent graffiti on the SRN. If you are interested in responding to this RFI then please register at link below if not already registered and Express an Interest on this project and download the RFI documents: Closing date has been extended from 29th January 2021 to 5th February 2021.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90690000 - Graffiti removal services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors