RES - the provision of Print and Mail Services for Bristol City Council
The provision of a strategic partner under Lot 6 (Business Process Outsourcing, Mailroom, Document And Data Managed Service) of CCS Framework RM6017 (Postal Goods, Services and Solutions) for a secure and accessible end-to-end fully managed print and mail solution for Bristol City Council to include the in scope delivery of the following services: - Inbound and outbound digital mail including all consumables; - Delivery and collection of non-digital mail across the Council's estate; - Scanning and document management scanning system (archive and workflow); - Courier services; - Integrations with relevant Council systems; - FAX Service including inbound FAX & Email/SharePoint online; - User interface; - Supply, support and maintenance of multi-functional devices (MFDs) including plotters: - All consumables (except paper) ; - All associated software; - Associated and agreed infrastructure (hardware) provision and service; - Business intelligence and metrics related to their service to the Council; - Training and transition plan for roll out/go live - Digital seals - Electronic signature - Certification of service Bristol City Council intend to move all print and mail functions to our strategic partner to support the Council's aim to work effectively as a smaller organisation as well as to reduce costs, process inefficiency, sustainability and environmental impact (and efficiency) and turnaround time, while improving security, accessibility, and flexibility.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors