Research and comparative analysis on approaches to multiple aspects of insurance regulation in China
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is looking for a provider of research and comparative analysis on approaches to multiple aspects of regulation, risk and compliance in regulatory regimes with a focus on Solvency regulation and Approaches for international regulatory recognition in China. For this specific project the supplier is is intended to deliver research and comparative analysis on approaches to multiple aspects of regulation, risk and compliance in regulatory regimes outside China, including international regulatory recognition and insurance market access. The research will consider how these approaches could inform future policy decisions about China's regulatory regime. The Comparative Research is expected to focus in most detail on Solvency regulation and approaches for international regulatory recognition and insurance market access. Other topics can be covered at a higher level. The supplier will be expected to deliver the following specific outputs: 1. A research plan outlining the approach, scope and timescales for the comparative research. 2. A comparative research report. To access the tender documents, please login or register to FCO's e-sourcing portal If you have any technical issues with accessing the tender documents, please call e-sourcing helpdesk: +44 203 608 4013 or email: Any queries related to the subject of this tender should be sent via the messaging function for the itt_3824 - project_4480 - PF China - Insurance Workstream 1 Project 1.
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CPV Codes
66171000 - Financial consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors