Research and Development of Acoustic Timber Panels
It is known that some home grown species of timber has good sound absorbing qualities through the endgrain. We would like to research this further and optimise how the endgrain of timber can absorb sound and capitalise on any potential practical applications that develops out of the findings. The required outputs for this RDP funded project to optimise how the end-grain of timber can absorb sound, needs to consider :-1/ Quantify the amount of sound that can be absorbed by various timbers into its endgrain2/ Research and develop ideas and solutions for low frequency sound absorption3/ Research and develop ideas and solutions for broadband sound absorption4/ Working in partnership with local company’s to develop the findings into a viable product that work in spaces suffering with poor acoustics and look for other applications.5/ Report written on the findings and outcomes of the research which will be made openly available to view after the project completion.This project will make best use of the current local timber supply chains that have been established through the RDP Wood Lab Pren project and look to attract new companies in the region who could see potential for this in their business. One of the key outcomes of this project is to increase the value of the local timber stock. The results of the European referendum provides an opportunity for many timber based industries to identify new markets for their products. We hope that the research and development undertaken through this unique sound absorption project will be valuable to businesses and through an open innovation approach will allow good practice to be shared and scaled across Wales and beyond.NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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1 Possible Competitors