research into the socioeconomic impacts of incinerating POPs contaminated soft furnishing waste
Aim To assess the cost to Local Authorities (LAs) and the investment needed to divert Domestic Seating Soft Furnishings (DSSF) waste to incineration. This involves understanding the impact on LAs, as well as any wider costs and benefits. There are multiple options that are being considered, each of which will need to be modelled. These include incinerating all DSSF, using an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanner to identify the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) contaminated waste and incinerating the contaminated waste, and exporting the DSSF waste as Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). These will be explained further in the background section. Anticipated outcomes of the project include: 1. Produce a model of each option outlining the NPVs over 10 years. The modelling should be independent to the work already completed by Defra, although Defra resource can be shared with the successful applicant. Defra's assumptions and costs can be used in the modelling, although this is not a requirement. 2. A written report meeting the objectives and requirements set out in the work packages below, which can be developed subject to regular discussions with Defra. This report needs to explain how costs and assumptions were derived. Outlining sources and research that were used and completed. The report will need to be succinct and will require a short executive summary setting out the purpose of the research, key findings and conclusions drawn.
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1 Possible Competitors