Research into Women’s Roles in the Welsh Workforce
Research purposeChwarae Teg was launched in South Wales in 1991 and North Wales in 1993. Its initial activity and rationale was underpinned by extensive research undertaken in 1991 and 1992 by the (then) Welsh Development Agency (WDA) and a number of co-sponsors. Follow up research, using a review model, was undertaken in 1993 and 1996.This research was repeated to mark our 10th Anniversary in 2002, allowing us to update the data available on women’s economic activity in Wales. As we approach our 20th Anniversary in September 2012, Chwarae Teg wishes to commission research that investigates the position of women in the economy in Wales and examines how this has changed since the organisation’s inception. The findings will inform Board and Executive decisions on Chwarae Teg’s strategy and action planning for the coming decade and will be used to influence policy direction to support women’s contribution to the economy in WalesResearch RequirementsOrganisations tendering for this research contract should keep in mind the research question, which is ‘How has women’s role in the Welsh workforce changed in the past decade?’ Within this question we are interested in understanding women’s position in relation to economic activity/inactivity, employment and training. The research should seek to explore occupational segregation and pay, the effects of supply side policies such as childcare, flexible working, women returning to work after childcare, and workplace employment patterns and practices. We also require the findings to be comparable to those of previous surveys discussed above. However, whilst we briefly describe the methodology of previous surveys below, we are aware that research techniques for recruitment and analysis have progressed within the last decade and so we will be interested to see in tender submissions information suggesting updated and/or innovative methods where appropriate. In summary, the research findings must be comparable but the main focus should be providing a comprehensive and robust report that answers the research question. We envisage that the research process includes several overlapping phases. Data collection methods will include desk research and data manipulation and analysis, as well as quantitative surveys and in-depth interviews. The research will identify the position of women in the Welsh workforce, gathering the views of both women and employers including being able to comment on the effects of recession, public spending cuts and employment policy, including employment support solutions. The final report should include the analysis of comparability with the previous findings, building the picture of continuity and change over the past two decades. Timetable/MilestonesThe following table details the key expected milestones for the project evaluation. Please note the successful contractor is expected to be in a position to commence the work immediately on appointment. MilestoneRequired Completion DateDeadline for registering interest 15th November 2011Deadline for receipt of Tenders 15th December 2011Contractors invited to interview or advised not successful 22nd December 2012Interviews with the 3 highest scoring Tenderers 13th January 2012Contract Awarded Week commencing 18th January 2012Initial Meeting Mid JanuarDataset evaluations presentation TBAInterim report research findings TBADraft final research report TBACompletion of Final Report and Executive Summary 4th July 2012
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73110000 - Research services
73210000 - Research consultancy services
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors