Research RFP: UK & International Subsidy Models
The purpose of this piece of work is to increase our understanding of relevant UK and non-UK legislative frameworks and subsidy mechanisms that support the provision of affordable credit to people in financially vulnerable circumstances. Fair4All Finance is seeking an analysis of what works and what doesn't in these policies that incentivise or provide a legislative framework for mainstream financial services organisations to deliver services (either directly or indirectly) to people in financially vulnerable circumstances. This RFP is structured into two distinct lots. • Lot 1. Fair4All Finance is seeking support to accelerate our understanding of alterative subsidy mechanisms, with the potential for use in the provision of affordable credit by community finance and commercial providers. This short report will complement our existing real-life 'tests', with the aim of influencing the wider market and government policy in 2023/24. • Lot 2. Fair4All Finance is seeking support to accelerate our understanding of the Community Reinvestment Act (US) and other similar international policy approaches. Fair4All Finance is seeking an analysis of what works and what doesn't in these policies that incentivise or provide a legislative framework for mainstream financial services organisations to deliver services (either directly or indirectly) to people in financially vulnerable circumstances. Ideally, Fair4All Finance would like to identify a single partner to deliver both requirements but will consider proposals for individual lots.
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1 Possible Competitors