Research to identify current practice in using a system of phonics with post 16 learners
The Foundation aims to drive up standards in maths and English for all learners. We emphasise equality and diversity and the principles of inclusivity in all our work. Ways in which barriers to participation can be overcome and consideration of under-represented groups should be threaded throughout any tender response. The number of learners studying towards Functional Skills maths and English qualifications has reduced significantly over the last 2 to 3 years due to the focus on GCSE. However, these qualifications remain popular with adults and for some 16-19 learners with lower grades at GCSE. The revised subject content for Functional Skills includes using phonics to teach learners at entry levels. The level of knowledge and the application of any particular system of phonics currently used in the Further Education sector is not fully known. There is an array of different schemes for teaching phonics for young children and DfE offers information and guidance to help schools select an effective phonics programme. However, using phonics strategies for adults is under-researched. Maxine Burton in Phonetics for Phonics: underpinning knowledge for adult literacy practitioners: NIACE 2009 says, "There are no clear guidelines as to how to set about using phonics systematically with adults." Her book aims to provide underpinning knowledge on phonics to enable teachers to adapt existing phonics schemes for children to be effective with their learners. She also states that, "phonics instruction needs to be systematic, not half-hearted or ad hoc to be successful'. It is therefore critical to support the teaching workforce to use this method effectively. This invitation to tender is to review the extent of using phonics approaches with learners at entry levels across the sector
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80200000 - Secondary education services
73110000 - Research services
80212000 - Vocational secondary education services
80000000 - Education and training services
80300000 - Higher education services
80400000 - Adult and other education services
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1 Possible Competitors