Researching Diversity in Classical Music
Awarded Contract - There has been an ongoing debate about diversity within the classical orchestral sector for a number of years. While ACE has some insight into the current diversity of the workforce of the orchestras and opera / ballet companies within its National Portfolio, this data is inconclusive. Furthermore, the ACE national Music team are regularly asked to respond to Parliamentary Questions (PQs) relating to diversity within classical music including opera but find their responses are often limited by these inconsistencies or other significant gaps present in existing data. The project recognises that the sectoral response to the Creative Case has, to date, achieved limited outcomes within classical music and opera. With the requirement for all National Portfolio Organisations (NPO) Band 2 and 3 organisations to achieve a 'Strong' rating by 2020 looming and the growing expectation that ACE-funded organisations continually improve their own achievements in this area - delivering against their agreed business plans at a minimum - completion of this study should make a significant contribution to organisational thinking, both now and in looking towards future investment rounds. This project reflects commitments in this area set out within ACE's 2018-20 Corporate Plan with the objective of making a significant contribution to organisational thinking on diversity within the classical music and opera sector. The key outcomes this research should aim to achieve are: - An improved understanding of the orchestral sector's current diversity profile. - A clearer understanding of current talent pathways within the sector and how these are likely to support increased diversity in the future. - A clearer understanding of what collective action needs to be taken to increase diversity within the sector workforce and pipeline, including performers, administrators and leadership.
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