Resettlement Support Services
Plymouth City Council ('The Council') would like to invite you to submit a selection questionnaire to deliver an innovative, trauma-informed service that provides place-based, person-centred support. The service will provide advice and guidance to assist persons with recourse to public funds arriving through all government managed resettlement schemes or granted leave to remain via the asylum systems. The aim of the service will be to support individuals to settle and integrate into the host community.r r We envision the outcomes of this contract to be to: assist service users to meet their aspirations and feel socially included, build on a persons' assets and attributes to enable them to participate and contribute fully in society. Specific outcomes of the service will includer • Improved access to housingr • Increased self-sufficiency via employment and maximisation of welfarer benefitsr • Improved independence through the strengthening of social connections, language skills and digital inclusionr • Improved cultural competency to help local communities and services to become more refugee friendlyr • Attainment of positive health outcomesr • Improved English language acquisition by providing support and assistance to access ESOLr The Resettlement Support Service will:r • Be a recognised partnership able to contribute towards improved community cohesion within the city;r • Generate evidence about what works, to be able to evaluate the impact of funded projects on refugee integration and self-sufficiency;r • Provide evidence to inform future policy, programming, and mainstream service delivery;r • Support other organisations to become more culturally aware and competent when supporting people from refugee communities, offering expertise to help ensure they are accessible and culturally sensitive towards the needs of the cohort including advocating for those people that may have experienced discrimination;r • Work in support and collaboration with members of the Refugee and Asylum Seeker (RAS) forum in Plymouth;r • Be expected to participate in statutory bodies led by the Council such as Plymouth Prevent and Safer Communities and other ad hoc focus groups which require input from providers on the specific needs of this cohort;r • have a strong and consistent focus on cross-partnership delivery that aligns and draws on the support of mainstream services.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Tender Identifier :
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Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors