Resurfacing and Ancillary Works to Edginswell Railway Bridge, Torquay
Edginswell Railway Bridge supports the A380 dual carriageway locally southwest bound on Hamelin Way, Torquay. This route is a primary thoroughfare for traffic into and out of Torbay. The bridge is maintained by Torbay Council.r r Surfacing and joints display defective condition requiring remediation. r This contract accordingly requires resurfacing works and replacement of both joints. The woks will require associated temporary removal and reinstatement of traffic signal circuitry.r r Due to its strategic importance the bridge is required to be maintained open as far as possible, works then being restricted to be contained within lane closures. Full closure of the bridge may be arranged by agreement for purposes of installation of the wearing course only.r r Network Rail will be engaged to observe works' progress due to the proximity of the main rail line.r
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45233251 - Resurfacing works
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors