Retail EPOS Data
Data requirements, The tender specification is outlined below: , •UK coverage (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), •Full Epos coverage including Marks and Spencer and Iceland, discounters, •Database flexibility and open to coding changes by Seafish as required;, •Chilled pre-pack; chilled loose; frozen; ambient seafood., •Species (defined list 50+); including cod, haddock, tuna, warm water prawns and salmon, •Product type (coated, natural, added value etc.) as defined;, •Sub sectors (battered, breaded, fingers etc.) as defined, •Multiple grocer vs. independent mongers, •Measures:, oValue sales, oVolume sales, oUnit sales, oPenetration;, oFrequency;, oTrip spend;, oLoyalty;, oStandard consumer demographics, oAny additional measures you can supply showing additional costs, •Retailer share of trade detailing individual multiples , •8 standardized reports by key species (as defined); delivered monthly, •4 quarterly reports detailing switching, promotions and demographics, •Reporting in PowerPoint (or pdf) in a format that can be readily disseminated and understood by industry, •Bi-annual State of the nation/ seafood trends and opportunities presentations to seafood industry stakeholders, •Easy to interrogate database with training for 3 people and maximum of 3 software licenses, •Contextual data to include but not limited to, oQuarterly data on sales of other proteins; , oRetailer share of trade of other proteins, oKey category performance, oChanging consumer attitudes and preferences, The provider must allow sharing of reports and data with seafood businesses of all sizes; and provide a seamless transition and continuity of data (less than 10% variance) and at least 3 years back data.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors