Review of Language Acquisition in the West Midlands - CAN
The West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) is seeking to commission a review of language acquisition, in order to improve and accelerate outcomes for learners. The review should focus on the following key research questions: 1. How successful is our current ESOL provision in delivering outcomes and impact for language learners? 2. How can we improve our approach to language learning (based on Context and Language Integrated Learning or similar new developments) to improve and accelerate outcomes for adult learners? 3. What are the implications of this approach for curriculum design, delivery models, partnership working, procurement and data reporting? 4. How do we establish shared priorities and secure regional buy-in for our investment in language learning? 5. How do we define and measure the outcomes of language learning? 6. How do we ensure our investment in ESOL maximises its impact and meets regional need?
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CPV Codes
73210000 - Research consultancy services.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors