Review of Social Care operational processes in Wales and development of a specification for a Citize
The purpose of the Contract is twofold: a) To gather, in discussion and with the agreement of NWIS and SSIA, a collective position statement of how each of the 22 local authorities in Wales are organised to deal with enquiries and referrals for both Adults and Children’s services (including joint Health and Social Care arrangements) and also what I.T. processes are employed to deal with referrals once they are accepted. Required output: Written report and oral presentation regarding the current position as regards the aboveb) Working with a newly established Task and Finish group and specifically the Programme Manager for SSIA, to develop a specification for a national citizen information portal in social care. Required output: In agreement with stakeholders and programme commissioners, a specification which will be used to commission the development and delivery of a portal which will be accessible to any one or all of the 22 local authorities and partner agencies.The questions to be answered will need to be for each of the 22 local authorities and partners against both a) and b) above include:a)An analysis of each of the Referral and enquiry sources by service areas. b)Existing and any planned changes to I.T. contact arrangementsc)Eligibility used by service areas regionsd)Working with others: Integrated and collaborative arrangements – existing and plannede)Assessment processes including reablement and enabling servicesf)Identification of Best Practiceg)Sharing of Personal Information between agencies including when it occurs, commonality of data sets and potential of national templates (where appropriate) to assist such processesh)Identification of existing or planned citizen information points/portals, either corporate or departmental within local authorities and/or key partners within voluntary and health sectorThe successful candidate will work to both SSIA and NWIS in the delivery of this project.
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1 Possible Competitors