Review of the code of practice for the sustainable use of soils on construction
Healthy soil underpins a range of environmental, economic and societal benefits, including biodiversity, carbon storage and flood mitigation. However, soil degradation, caused by poor soil management or inappropriate land use, can reduce the ability of soil to perform these vital functions. Soil degradation in England and Wales costs between £0.9bn and £1.4bn a year, 39% of which is due to compaction and 12% erosion1. Soil health in the urban environment can be significantly impacted by activities associated with construction. For example, soil loss or sealing (e.g. by tarmac, concrete, stone), compaction and contamination which can all prevent soil and its inherent ecosystems from functioning. There are linkages between the resultant poor functioning of green infrastructure and public health. Poor urban soil health can be addressed through better use and management of existing soil and soil affected by new developments
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90700000 - Environmental services
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1 Possible Competitors