Review of the Current Operating Model for Information Management and Technology in Public Health Wal
3In 2017 we undertook widespread stakeholder engagement; reviewed the evidence of the current and future state of health both in Wales and globally; and analysed the public health interventions that have the most impact on delivering sustainable improvement in health and well-being over the short, medium and long term.As a result in June 2018, we published a radically new Long Term Strategy to 2030: Working to achieve a healthier future for Wales. This provides the basis of our medium and short term plans and is fully aligned to the national strategy for Wales – Prosperity for All (2017) – and also to the national strategy for health in Wales – A Healthier Wales (2018).REQUIREMENTPHW has recognised that delivering its long term strategy will need a transformational approach. We are working across a range of areas and in terms of IM&T, we are interested to understand the extent to which our current operating model is fit for purpose. This is important because of the pivotal importance of IM&T and digital services to our long term successWe are not looking for the commissioned work to deliver a new informatics strategy or a critique of the current technical infrastructure. Rather, we wish to assess our current way of working – both in the IM&T Division – but also how PHW as a whole is involved in the IM&T function.25.We have identified several IM&T themes that we want to explore further:•Commissioning and planning•Delivery•Workforce•Leadership, culture and setting the direction for IM&T•Stakeholder engagementThese are developed in more detail within the specification, though they are not exhaustive.OUTPUTSPHW is seeking comprehensive report on the effectiveness of the current operating model of the IM&T Division. Recommendations within the report should include the rationale for the proposal, its potential implications and impact, and also the associated risks. Where relevant, indicative costs / savings should be categorised as cash-releasing, cost-avoidance, efficiency/effectiveness gains, cost pressures and opportunity costs.TIMETABLE37.It work must be completed by 30 June 2019 and should take approximately 15 days in total.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at
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