RF and Microwave Multi-physics Characterisation, Modelling and Design for Highly Efficient Circuits.
The University of Surrey, acting through its Advanced Technology Institute, has been funded to establish a highly integrated facility for the multi-physics modelling and characterisation of microwave devices. Inter-operability between the characterisation and modelling is a critical factor to the success of the venture. It is an essential that the computer platform, on which the simulation and modelling tools are hosted, integrates into our established Linux-based High Performance Computing environment.Having held extensive discussions with global vendors, and based on their long-experience of operating equipment of this nature, the Principal Investigators responsible for delivering the program believe that the following combination is the only solution that will meet the overall objective.Modelling, Characterisation, and Simulation software — Advanced Design System/Gradient/EMpro/ICCAP, Agilent Technologies (Keysight Technologies).Pulsed IV/S characterisation and S-parameter — AMCAD Engineering.Microwave network analyser — N5242A PNA-X, Agilent Technologies (Keysight Technologies).Vectorial loadpull to 250W (CW) 1-kW (pulsed), Maury Microwave.
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CPV Codes
31700000 - Electronic, electromechanical and electrotechnical supplies
31711422 - Microwave equipment
31710000 - Electronic equipment
31730000 - Electrotechnical equipment
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors