RFI0045 - Long Range Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon (LRAW)
This RFI is not a bidding opportunity but a means by which industry can provide information. In accordance with the principles of the Defence and Security Industrial Strategy (DSIS) the Royal Navy is committed to developing an ever more productive and strategic relationship with defence and security industries, capitalising on your skills as part of our support for increased transparency and inclusivity. Any future procurement activity would be conducted in accordance with the relevant Procurement legislation in place at that point in time. A decision by any prospective provider not to submit a response to this RFI will not prejudice future engagements. The Royal Navy is seeking information for a future Long Range Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Weapon (LRAW) that can be launched from surface ship combatants fitted with the Strike-length Mk41 Vertical Launcher System (VLS). The LRAW effector solution will be a 'missile/rocket' delivered system - although Uncrewed systems are being examined as potential future ASW enablers. The LRAW concept provides an extended range delivery means for a Lightweight Torpedo (LWT) or Very Light Weight (VLWT) Torpedo effector against submarine contacts, cued by organic or third-party sensor detection. Engagement ranges are to comfortably overmatch those of current and forecast threat Heavy Weight Torpedoes. The solution requires an interchangeable, stand-off, quick-reaction, all-weather ASW weapon delivery capability that enables a UK LWT to reach a water-entry point for a targeted submarine from any Mk41 VLS-fitted platform. LRAW will need to integrate with RN Combat or Sonar Systems and must be 'Secure by Design'. With assumed exportability in accordance with the Integrated Procurement Model, a global total stockpile requirement of 500 missiles should be used as a costing assumption. Specifically, responses to this RFI should include non-committal VROM costings for a potential MOTS or novel full or partial solution (stating the year in which you expect to field Minimum Deployable Capability) by addressing the questions posed in Annex A. Solutions involving or repurposing existing booster designs to deliver the Effector payload will also be considered. VROM costs are to specifically exclude the torpedo effector.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
73410000 - Military Research & Technology
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors