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RFI: Multi-level, Mass Fatalities Body Storage capability
Request for information, the Home Office has revised its strategy in accordance with feedback received from the market and seeks to understand market views/ feedback for a multi-level, Mass Fatalities Body Storage Framework capability. In the event of a major incident resulting in a large number of fatalities which could overwhelm existing body storage capacity the Home Office would provide contingency support to the requesting local authority. The Home Office seeks to replace its current capability with a more efficient operating model. This request for information will support the Home Offices strategy. Our vision We believe a multiple lot framework agreement would be best suited to meet the demands of this capability. Suppliers offering alternative solutions will bid for a place on a capability lot, this will involve suppliers maintaining access to provisions which could be called upon for deployment by the Authority. These aims will be delivered with the responses of this document in mind to ensure that we consider any novel and/or unique approach that could be utilised as a solution. The scope for this provision is predominantly England, however there is a possibility that the Devolved Administrations (i.e. Scotland) may also enrol. We will outline the configuration of our core requirement of storage for up to 700 fatalities across three phases (although the authority may adjust the planned fatalities storage of one or more phases to ensure a successful core requirement is delivered). Each phase will be put to the market as separate lots, although we would welcome multiple bids if relevant and the supplier is able to offer a viable to solution to multiple. Further information can be found on the Home Office esourcing portal: PQQ547
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1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors