RFI0050 - NavyX Remotely Actuated Day Shapes
This is a Request for Information. Not a tender opportunity. NavyX, as the RN's innovation, lethality, and autonomy accelerator, has been set the headmark of delivering and trialling IMO degree 4 autonomy onto one or more Naval Service owned surface platforms. A current challenge presented by operating at IMO degree 4 autonomy is how a ship can display the correct day shapes in line with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs). For an autonomous vessel to fulfil the requirements of the regulations, there is a need for a remotely actuated day shape system. The Royal Navy are seeking information on remotely actuated day shapes systems and projects at all levels of technological readiness from companies and non-commercial organisations and institutions that are potentially capable of meeting the following objectives: a. A remotely actuated day shape system which would be compliant with the requirements set out in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) and suitable for a maritime environment. b. The solution must be appropriate for installation on a Large Uncrewed Surface Vessel (LUSV) of around 50m (LoA). c. The systems should seek to use the minimal space, weight and power requirements. Please see the attached RFI document for further details including how to respond.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45222200 - Engineering work for military installations
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors