Rhyd y Blew - Ground Investigation - January 2015
The Welsh Government are inviting interested parties to submit a tender bid for the delivery of the following works:The site, known as Rhyd-Y-Blew, is located to the north of Ebbw Vale close to the A465 Heads of the Valleys Road, approximate National Grid Reference SO 151 112.The site is approximately 28 ha in size, approximately 750m long and 450m wide, with the development plateau constituting 13.9ha.The purpose of the contract is to investigate the ground conditions to provide sufficient data to inform development of the site.The ground investigation will compromise a combination of rotary open holed, rotary cored, cable percussive drilling, machine dug trial pits, geophysical surveys and in-situ CBResting. Drilling methods used will reflect the requirement for the best possible core recovery for testing and design purposes. In-situ testing will be required; SPT’s and CBR’s will be undertaken where scheduled. Geotechnical laboratory testing is required to provide geotechnical parameters. Geochemical laboratory testing is required to provide data on the aggressiveness of soils and rock encountered to buried structures. Laboratory testing will be scheduled by theInvestigation Supervisor.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors