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RiGB - footprint project (decarbonisation works)


The Royal Institution resides in a Grade I listed building located on Albemarle Street, Mayfair within the City of Westminster. Project Description The Royal Institution's mission for over two centuries has been to connect people with science on a global scale. As an independent registered charity, the Ri is committed to science education, public engagement, and heritage activities, catering to diverse audiences worldwide. Entering a new strategic phase, the Ri envisions science accessible to all, believing in its transformative power across various aspects of modern life. As advocates for equitable access to science, the Ri bridges the gap between the public and scientists, nurturing curiosity, exploration, and engagement. It serves as a welcoming home for science enthusiasts of all backgrounds. To support this goal Ri has secured £4.35 million in funding from the Greater London Authority (GLA) for its Footprint Project to reduce the environmental impact of the building. This funding will be the catalyst for a comprehensive retrofit of the building, including the improvement of building plant, services and systems and sensitive enhancement of building fabric. The Footprint Project should serve as a precedent for successfully retrofitting a Grade I listed building to mitigate environmental impact and provide climate resilience. Ri project objectives • Upholding the Institution's core values as expounded in their strategic vision, to ensure openness, equitable access, and wide participation by the public. • Minimise the environmental impact of the organisation. • Conserve and repair the building fabric for future generations. • Chart a course to net-zero emissions, partnering with Imperial College London. • Addressing energy consumption and waste within the organisation. Project scope Proposals have been developed through: • An understanding of the programme and mandatory requirements from the GLA as funder, essentially to ensure 35% reduction in operational carbon and reach an EPC rating of C (from current EPC of G). • A road map to net zero strategy informed by following the energy hierarchy and energy utilisation metrics to ensure the long-term sustainable improvement of the building and how it is experienced and used. • Provision of an holistic, incremental and integrated approach, prioritizing works based upon tangible benefit, where any maladaptation is avoided, and where no works prejudice the successful delivery of those to follow. • Appreciation of the Ri as a working building with constraints around how and when work can be carried-out. In optimising the project scope and ambition with the heritage and immediate GLA funding and key programme drivers, the design team has made recommendations on how the works could be phased. The works are planned to commence as soon as possible after 2nd June 2025 award date and a Listed Building Consent Application has been submitted on 28th February 2025 to enable those works. The Royal Institution will require excessively noisy works and those that will affect the use most of the internal areas to be carried out during a 6 weeks operationally reduced activity period for the Ri commencing on 25th July 25 and ending on 5th September 25. At present the works to be executed during this operationally reduced activity period are as follows :- Builders work (including roof penetrations for ducting) and access hatch Metalwork replacement Balustrades ASHP installation only AHU installation only Steelworks and roof penetration for Louvres Waterproofing/making good of roof Radiators, air curtains replacement including connecting and adapting to existing pipework and cabling Making good works related to new radiators and air curtains to a like for like condition Window films LED Lighting to front of house rooms BMS works Glazed doors and screens Fire stopping and decommissioning gas connection in kitchen Renewing some kitchen equipment (replacing gas appliances with electric) The remaining works that can be completed during the period after the 5th September up to 28th November 25 are currently considered to be as follows :- VrF installation to No. 20 Roof internal insulation ASHP (on roof) connecting to power and commissioning AHU (on roof) connecting to power and commissioning Louvres installation BMS commissioning Directors' Flat works LED lighting to back of house rooms and external areas Tenders will be sought on a fixed price basis. The form of contract will be JCT Standard Form of Building Contract without quantities 2024 with amendments. The contract will also contain some Contractor Design Portions. The timeline for selecting a contractor shall be as follows :- Issue Notice with SQ - 5th March 25 Date for returning SQ - 13th March 25 Reviewing SQs and selection of tenderers - 20th March 25 Issuing ITT to selecting tenderers - 21st March 25 Tender return date (ITT) - 21st April 25 Target contract Award - 2nd June 25 This notice invites contractors to complete and submit the selection questionnaire attached to this notice. This should be returned to D R Nolans & Co ltd via email by 5pm (GMT) on Thursday 13th March 25 as noted above. The SQ includes questions relating to the tenderers business, financial standing, ability to act as Principal Contractor under the Building Safety Act, compliance as well as quality questions. The scoring is indicated on the SQ form. Copies of work in progress Stage 4 drawings prepared by the Architect (BDP), MEP Engineer (Harley Haddow) and Structural Engineer (Price & Myers) attached for information regarding the scope of works. Other principal consultants involved in the projects are Project Managers (Gardiner & Theobald) and Cost Consultant (D R Nolans & Co). The SQs received will be reviewed and scored and a maximum of five contractors will be invited to submit full tenders for the works in accordance with the timings noted above.


Published Date :

5th Mar 2025 5 days ago

Deadline :

13th Mar 2025 in a 3 days

Contract Start :


Contract End :


CPV Codes

Tender Lot Details

1 Tender Lot

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Status :


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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors