Risk management for deployed personnel
The British Council is looking for Risk Management System for Deployed Personnel, The selected system will assist the British Council in fulfilling its duty of care obligations to its staff and its strategic objectives. It should have both preventative and reactive capabilities, combining mass communications and a more targeted facility during incident and crisis management (i.e. assisting in the preservation of life, maintaining operational delivery, protecting assets and upholding the British Council’s reputation). The system will ensure that relevant staff can be informed of an on-going incident in good time, and given appropriate directions as required, that all staff can be quickly accounted for at any time, that they can confirm their ‘safe/in-need-of-assistance status at the touch of a button, that they can be located (with reference to any incident) at any time by local management so that resources can be effectively prioritised and aid directed at those most in need, and that
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CPV Codes
72212730 - Security software development services
48730000 - Security software package
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors