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Risk Management Review for General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA's)
The General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA) for the United Kingdom and Ireland will be undertaking a comprehensive risk management review in 2025. The main purpose of the review is to appoint a provider of expert risk management services ("the provider") to: -provide an external validation and commentary on the effectiveness of the GLA risk management methodology and loss control measures; -consider changes in the GLA risk exposure; -and make recommendations for dealing with any associated losses with loss prevention and control measures, insurance cover and self-insurance. As part of the information gathering for the above it will be necessary for the provider to (i) visit the TH Harwich Depot and Planning Centre to observe the performance of the GLA Centralised Aids to Navigation Monitoring resource. The provider may also wish to meet personnel based at Northern Lighthouse Board's Oban Depot and Irish Light's Dun Laoghaire Depot, to gain an overview of operations, though it may be possible to undertake these meetings remotely.
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1 Possible Competitors