River Witham Floodplain Reconnection and In-Channel Environmental Improvements
The Council wishes to invite tenders for the supply of goods and Works in respect of two Lots concerning: 1 - In channel habitat creation and improvement works for the River Witham, Grantham. A specialist contractor is required to deliver in-channel habitat creation, along with delivering volunteering opportunities, and; 2 - in-channel improvement and floodplain reconnection works for the River Witham at Belton Parkland, Grantham. A specialist contractor is required to deliver environmental improvements through bank lowering works, in-channel blockage creation, in-channel tree hinging, scrape creation, beaver analogue dam creation and floodplain woody material placement. The projects are match funded by the European Structural Investment Fund under their European Regional Development Fund funding stream, and the SKDC is required to follow the grant funders route to market and procurement thresholds. The aims and objectives of this contract are: •Lot 1 - To enhance ecological value along the River Witham at Stonebridge Close and Sedgwick Meadows, Grantham. •Details of the project are provided in Document 2. •Works include: •Berm creation •Coir roll installation •Woody deflector installation •Gravel introduction •Berm repair and planting •Volunteer Engagement •Lot 2 - Environmental improvements and increased accessibility •To enhance ecological value along the River Witham through floodplain reconnection at Belton Parkland, Grantham. •Details of the project are provided in Document 2. •Works include: •Tree Hinging •Bank Lowering •In-channel woody material installation •Floodplain woody material installation •Beaver Dam Analogue Creation using post and faggots •Scrape creation Bidders can choose to bid for one or both of the Lots available, but must be aware that each Lot will be evaluated separately and therefore if a supplier chooses to bid for both elements, bids must not be qualified or will be rejected.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80212000 - Vocational secondary education services
92534000 - Wildlife preservation services
80530000 - Vocational training services
45262640 - Environmental improvement works
98342000 - Work environment services
45246200 - Riverbank protection works
80400000 - Adult and other education services
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
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Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors