Riverbank Repairs Henley-on-Thames
Tenders are invited for repairs and improvement works to the river frontage at Mill and Marsh Meadows, Henley-on-Thames. The river frontage consists of 3 sections: Marsh Meadows - 470m temporary non-residential moorings Mill Meadows - 330m temporary non-residential moorings Mill Meadows - 127m permanent non-residential moorings There has been no major, comprehensive work on the riverbank for a number of years. A riverbank survey undertaken for the Council in September 2020 identified the repairs and improvements required to ensure the long-term structural soundness of the river frontage. This work will include: - new steel piling at four sections of river bank of lengths 10.8 m, 7.8 m, 4.1 m and 2.2 m; - 1200 mm long single course of concrete sandbags; - construction of a new river wall in 25 m sections in either galvanized sheet steel piling, with hardwood timber capping and waling or concrete and block construction; - repairs to the 8 m section of river wall under the River and Rowing Museum jetty; - installing a ladder for exit from the river. It is expected that the construction of a new river wall will be undertaken in sections to ensure the availability of moorings at all times.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45240000 - Construction work for water projects
Status :
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors