RM1042 - Corporate Software Solutions.
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Contracting Authority, in partnership with Pro5 Group, is putting in place a Pan Government Collaborative Framework Agreement for use by UK public sector bodies identified at VI.3 (and any future successors to these organisations), which include Non Departmental Public Bodies, NHS bodies and Local Authorities. Central Government Bodies and their Arm's Length Bodies are not excluded from using this Framework but should seek approval from CCS prior to use.The above Public Sector Bodies have a need for Corporate Software Solutions: A vehicle to provide solutions for complex business needs based on common product types; the intended supply chain will provide more services and expertise (with required products) than as standard by generalist suppliers. The Authority is looking to access a specialist supply base for common software solutions such as ERP, CRM and EDRM systems. The Authority aims to procure a framework agreement for this requirement in collaboration with the Pro5 Group of professional buying organisations.The scope of this procurement will ensure:— Implementation of common software for business needs with associated services, covering:- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software Solutions- Finance IT Software Solutions- Human Resources (HR) & Payroll Software Solutions- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software Solutions- Data Management and Reporting (DMS) Software Solutions- Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Software Solutions- Mobile Application Solutions— Requirements are split by specialisms in product type— Identification of the right product for the right outcomeCCS reserves the right for an electronic auction to be held by Public Sector bodies during further competition among the parties to the Framework Agreement(s).The Framework Agreement will have an Initial Period of two years with the option to extend for two subsequent 12 month periods at the discretion of CCS.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72212430 - Inventory management software development services
48800000 - Information systems and servers
48000000 - Software package and information systems
72224100 - System implementation planning services
72212451 - Enterprise resource planning software development services
48331000 - Project management software package
48812000 - Financial information systems
72262000 - Software development services
48300000 - Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software package
72253000 - Help-desk and support services
72512000 - Document management services
72261000 - Software support services
80533000 - Computer-user familiarisation and training services
72212482 - Business intelligence software development services
72212300 - Document creation, drawing, imaging, scheduling and productivity software development services
72000000 - IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
72212450 - Time accounting or human resources software development services
48825000 - Web servers
72212311 - Document management software development services
72212900 - Miscellaneous software development services and computer systems
72212920 - Office automation software development services
48328000 - Image-processing software package
48440000 - Financial analysis and accounting software package
48610000 - Database systems
48224000 - Web page editing software package
72211000 - Programming services of systems and user software
48450000 - Time accounting or human resources software package
72224200 - System quality assurance planning services
48783000 - Content management software package
72212610 - Database software development services
48330000 - Scheduling and productivity software package
72212660 - Clustering software development services
72212481 - Sales or marketing software development services
48481000 - Sales or marketing software package
72300000 - Data services
48210000 - Networking software package
48482000 - Business intelligence software package
72330000 - Content or data standardization and classification services
72212100 - Industry specific software development services
48329000 - Imaging and archiving system
48920000 - Office automation software package
72212200 - Networking, Internet and intranet software development services
48480000 - Sales, marketing and Business intelligence software package
48218000 - License management software package
72820000 - Computer testing services
48490000 - Procurement software package
72322000 - Data management services
48613000 - Electronic data management (EDM)
72316000 - Data analysis services
48900000 - Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
72263000 - Software implementation services
48430000 - Inventory management software package
72212780 - System, storage and content management software development services
72232000 - Development of transaction processing and custom software
72416000 - Application service providers
48400000 - Business transaction and personal business software package
72212330 - Scheduling and productivity software development services
48318000 - Scanner software package
72212440 - Financial analysis and accounting software development services
48614000 - Data-acquisition system
72250000 - System and support services
48311100 - Document management system
72212600 - Database and operating software development services
72212220 - Internet and intranet software development services
48600000 - Database and operating software package
72210000 - Programming services of packaged software products
72260000 - Software-related services
72212500 - Communication and multimedia software development services
72310000 - Data-processing services
72320000 - Database services
48311000 - Document management software package
72265000 - Software configuration services
72212318 - Scanner software development services
72212460 - Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software development services
72212313 - Optical-character-recognition (OCR) software development services
72212783 - Content management software development services
48451000 - Enterprise resource planning software package
72212400 - Business transaction and personal business software development services
48460000 - Analytical, scientific, mathematical or forecasting software package
48810000 - Information systems
48823000 - File servers
30200000 - Computer equipment and supplies
48445000 - Customer Relation Management software package
72268000 - Software supply services
72212490 - Procurement software development services
72212000 - Programming services of application software
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors